Customer Testimonials

We've had 100s of happy customers, here's what some of them have to say ...

"I have no reservations in giving PhotoStream.Live a 5-star review!

PhotoStream.Live not only provided my social media loving friends and family a reason to tweet, #hashtag and insta-pose all day long but it also provided me and my wife so many additional memories from the viewpoint of our very important guests!

It was so easy to use, that even my technophobic Dad managed to send in over 30 photos on the day via SMS! If you're reading this, do not hesitate in creating your own PhotoStream.Live memories, you won't regret it! "
- James and Jill
"We've used PhotoStream.Live for several events, including large-scale fundraisers. We're always extremely satisfied with the convenience, the features, and the great customer service from the PhotoStream.Live team. As a nonprofit, we rely on affordable platforms that deliver high quality products and this platform does just that!"
- Hayley Walker, Real Options for City Kids
"PhotoStream is a fantastic service that allowed us to see photos of people that couldn’t physically make it to our Easter Services because of Covid-19. Support was easy to talk to and answered every question we had. Our event was taken to the next level with PhotoStream. Everything ran perfectly and as expected. "
- Christ Community Church
"We hosted our wedding in Japan with a mix of international and local guests. With PhotoStream.Live, family and friends from around the world who could not make the event were able to tune into the live stream and see all the photos and videos being shared in real time.

For our guests that attended the event PhotoStream.Live made it very easy for everyone to have fun and post their favourite photos and videos.

We also very easily uploaded and streamed all our memory photos to the stream.

We highly recommend PhotoStream.Live for your event!"
- Zen and Atsuko
"Such a user friendly experience! We are a nonprofit that serves communities of all ages, all over the nation, and were able to share everyone's experience in real time. Everyone was able to submit their pictures without any problems. I also love that you get to download all the pictures sent in the next day. A very cool experience for all of our supporters!"
- Annie Dalton, Event Director
"Our guests had a ton of fun with PhotoStream.Live! The stream provided a super fun activity during downtime at our reception dinner and kept going all night.

Guest of all ages were easily sharing selfies, GIFs, videos and amazing photos to the live stream. We got to keep all the photos and it was really cool to have so many different perspectives of our wedding night.

Thanks PhotoStream.Live for providing an awesome product!"
- Srinith and Brooke
"We were able to save money on wedding photography by using PhotoStream.Live!

We still had a photographer for our bridal party photos and ceremony but during our reception dinner we used PhotoStream.Live to show a live stream on a central projector screen.

The live stream gave our guests a fun way to share selfies and all their favourite photos and videos of special moments from the night.

Everyone had a blast with it and we got to keep all the shared photos and videos at the end."
- Bhavik and Mahek
" was a cool way for guests to stay engaged at my wedding. Highly recommend!"
- Naomi N.